Arte Londrina Sete

Arte Londrina Sete

Divisão de Artes Plásticas,
Casa de Cultura — UEL
Editorial 2019
Arte Londrina Sete
Arte Londrina Sete
Divisão de Artes Plásticas,
Casa de Cultura — UEL
Editorial 2019
info [EN]
The graphic project was prompted by a date: May 5, 2019, when the building of the Plastic Arts Division dawns with its façade pierced by a stone. Twenty days later, another attack on the same window.

The result of the 7th edition is the fruit of a Brazil that wants to attack any kind of freedom, it is the result of an art that does not remain silent, it takes on and interacts with the most diverse and adverse scenarios.
In partnership with Maikon Nery.